Victor D. Seremet,
Ph.D., Dr. Sc.

Home Experience Awards Research Teaching Publications Contacts
1995, Doctor Habilitat in Physics and Mathematical Sciences (Solid Mechanics), Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova. The title of these: "Integral Equations and Green's Matrices of Influence Elements Method in Solid Mechanics"

1986, Doctor in Technical Science (Solid Mechanics), Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, USSR. The title of these: "The Solving of 3D Boundary Value Problems of Elasticity by the Harmonic Integral Equations Method"

1974, Candidate in Technical Science (Strength of Materials and Structural Mechanics), Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, USSR. The title of these: "Modeling of creeping of concrete by the method of elastic analogy"

1970, B. S., Civil Engineering, Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, USSR (now: Moscow State Civil Engineering University).

1965-1967 PhD Student of Moscow Civil Engineering Institute (now: State Civil Engineering University), Moscow, Russia, USSR
1967-1974 Student of Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia, USSR
1965-1967 Student of Chisinau Polytechnic Institute (now: Technical University of Moldova), Chisinau, Moldova, USSR
April 1998 till present – Professor of Engineering Sciences at Agrarian State University of Moldova

1995 -1998 Associate Professor of the Technical University of Moldova

May 1995 Defended the Doctor Habilitat in Physics - Mathematical Sciences thesis (Solid Mechanics), in Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova. The title of the dissertation: "Integral Equations and Green's Matrices of Influence Elements Method in Solid Mechanics"

1981-1982 Senior Scientific Researcher, Moscow, Russia, USSR

1975-1995 Associate Professor at Agrarian State University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR

1974-1975 Superior Lecture of the Polytechnic Institute of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR

May 1974 Defended the Ph.D (Candidate of Science in Strength of Materials and Structural Mechanics) thesis, Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, The Problem Research Laboratory on Photo Elasticity, USSR. The title of these: "Modeling of creeping of concrete by the method of elastic analogy".


InvitedReseachProfessor at Henan University of Technology, China, December 2013-Mart 2014

MobilityEuroeast Project Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 2013

Laureate of the Prize and Diploma of Academy of Science of Moldova, 2012

Juin 2010, InvitedReseachProfessorat Laboratoire MSME (Modélisationet Simulation Multi Echelle, CNRS), Université Paris Est, Marne-la-Vallée.

2012 till present Scientific Researcher Coordinator of Academy of Science of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics, Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling

2006 - 2008 Principal Scientific Researcher of Academy of Transports Communications and Informatics of Republic of Moldova

2005 –2006 Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering Sciences, Academy of Transports Communications and Informatics of Republic of Moldova

2005 till present Director of the Laboratory of Green’s Functions and Matrices at Agrarian State University of Moldova

2002–2003 Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Academy of Transports Communications and Informatics of Republic of Moldova

2001-2002 Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Human University of Moldova

September 2002 “Gheorge Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania (to teach students a special course of Thermo elasticity during two weeks) (as invited professor);

September 2004 University de Marne la Vallee, France (as invited professor at Laboratory of Mechanics to start a collaboration in the field of Applications of the Green’s Functions in Mechanics );

July 2005 University de Marne la Vallee, France (as invited professor at Laboratory of Mechanics to work on the scientific project “Applications of Green’s functions in Mechanics”);

September 2007 University de Marne la Vallee, France (as invited professor at Laboratory of Mechanics to continue the research on the project “Applications of the Green’s functions in Mechanics” and to prepare a new more long duration stay to work on the theme: “Integral equations formulations”);

October 2008 WIAS (WEIERSTRASS INSTITUTE for Applied Analysis and Stochastics), BERLIN, GERMANY

Juin 2010, Laboratoire MSME (Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, CNRS),
Université Paris Est, Marne-la-Vallée.


MEMBER of :  ASCE, USA ; EUROMECH ; Editorial broad of transilvanian journal of mechanics and mathematics

Reviewer :
Journal engineering analysis with boundary elements, Journal  mechanics of solids (britich Royal sociaty), Journal Mechanics of advances matherials and structures ,transilvanian journal of mechanics and mathematics

December 20, 2010 Award Laureate of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

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