Victor D. Seremet,
Ph.D., Dr. Sc.

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PhD, Dr. habilitat of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor Victor D. Seremet

Download CURRICULUM VITAE Victor D. Seremet (PDF)

The Agrarian State University of Moldova,
Mirceshti Street 44,
Chisinau MD-2049,
Moldova (office);
Mirceshti Street 8/1, ap. 150,
Chisinau MD-2049,
Moldova (home);
(373-22) 43-29-83 (home);
(373-22) 43-21-61 (office);

I. Influence Element Method to derive Green’s functions and Green’s matrices and respective Poisson’s type integral formulas (especially in closed form) for two and 3D boundary-value problems for canonical orthogonal domains (Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, spherical etc., and composite structures from them) for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic differential equations in the fields of:

1. Mathematical Physics
Heat conduction (stationary and non stationary)
Electrostatics and Electrodynamics

2. Mechanics of Solids
Elasticity (elastostatic and elastodynamics)
Thermoelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Electroelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Magnetoelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Poroelasticity (poroelastostatic and poroelastodynamics)

3. Fluid Mechanics (Navier- Stokes Equations).

II. Application of the Green’s functions and Green’s matrices to solve non homogeneous boundary value problems, arising from different branches of modern science, industry and technologies.

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